The Leviticus Blood Cleansing Tincture is meant to detoxify the blood stream. The Most High told us that life is in the blood, so it is imperative that we keep it as clean as possible. This blend cured for over two months and is very potent.
This blend cleanses the blood by destroying free radicals that cause things like cell death, damage to cell membranes and tampering with DNA.
It is perfect for improving blood circulation (by dilating blood vessels), increasing antioxidants, and is a natural diuretic.
This blend can lower cholesterol levels in the blood, improve heart health, lower blood sugar, support healthy intestinal flora, cleanse uric acid (causes : arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica) and is packed with anti-inflammatory properties.
Can help if you suffer from things like shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain (angina), and high blood pressure.
Ingredients: Hibiscus (Jamaica), Hawthorn Leaf, Burdock Root, and 80 Proof Vodka
*not intended for pregnant women or children
How to use: Take 3 full syringes a day in water, juice, or under the tongue
CAUTION: Please consult with your health care provider before using if you are pregnant, lactating, and if you are taking blood thinning medication.
*This product is not intended to cure any type of disease or replace any prescription medication you are currently taking. This product has not been approved by the FDA. Please be aware of any herbal allergies you may have prior to consumption.*